Preventative CareHere at Neighborhood Pet Health Center, we are firm believers in preventative care to keep your pets healthy.

We truly believe in routine examinations. They are simply the best way to keep your pets healthy. It allows our veterinarians to keep an eye on your pets and their overall condition. We also need to make sure your pets maintain a healthy weight throughout their entire lives.

In case your pets become ill, it is always nice to have a baseline before that happens. Routine blood work is always useful because it shows us what your pets’ values look like when they are not sick.

Our veterinarians will examine your pets thoroughly, looking for any potential problems. Our hope is that we find problems before they become serious. If left untreated, these conditions can become worse. At that point, determining the problem may take more time, tests, and money. The problem may also be harder to treat.

Whenever you come into the office, we get a chance to talk with you about your pets. You might voice some concerns or we might realize we need to look into something further just from talking about your pets and their habits. It is also a good time to make sure your pets are current on vaccinations so they are well protected. Be sure to let us know if you need any heartworm preventative or flea and tick medication. Hopefully, we can save you a trip.

If you have any questions about preventative care or to schedule an appointment, contact us today at (817) 605-8888.